Thanksgiving Play

By: Robyn Mullin, Dutilh Preschool Director

This time of year, we all start to ponder the question, “What am I thankful for?” Dutilh Preschoolers had some great answers when I asked them this question. Of course, I got the typical mom or dad response. My favorites were when they called out one of their siblings or said their response with such glee. I couldn’t help but feel happy for their love of “my stuffy.” 

As adults, we sometimes get so busy this time of year with all the holidays coming up that we look past the reason we’re celebrating in the beginning.  I know personally, having new responsibilities this year with the preschool I’ve looked at my to-do list about 1000 times a day and it seems just to keep growing.  I know in a few weeks though; we’ll be through the chaos and on to another year.  I enjoy taking time to be in the moment and be thankful for where I am and how I got here. 

I am so thankful for an amazing Preschool Team that has stepped up this year to help their new leader.  They have shown me grace and helped me when I was unsure of what was to come next.  We’ve had a great beginning to our school year and I am excited to see where the rest of the year takes us.  I know our preschool students love coming to school each day and are blessed to have such caring teachers and assistants.  Each day at least one child runs back to give their teacher a hug before heading home with mom or dad. 

This Friday, November 22, our 4-year-old classes will be performing our Thanksgiving play.  A month ago, we had our first play practice, and I honestly wasn’t sure how we could possibly do this in front of the parents in just a month.  Through lots of practice, and a few laughs, we have a group of 34 students who will be shining stars.  Each morning our 4-year-old classes stand on the steps in the sanctuary and have learned new songs and motions to go along with it.  They’ve been giving roles as pilgrims and scouts and have amazed me at how strong and courageous they are standing at the microphone. 

So this year as I sit down to a Thanksgiving meal with my family, I am thankful for the amazing opportunity God has given me to be a leader to such wonderful people and followers of Him.    

Leigha Pindroh