Dutilh Church
The mission of Dutilh Church is to make disciples of Jesus Christ who love God, love others, and love to serve.
We envision a community where everyone is known by name, loved for who they are, and empowered to follow Jesus Christ.
We aspire to be a church that is Christ-like, outward-focused, relational, disciplining, and multi-generational
United Methodists share a common heritage with all Christians. According to our foundational statement of beliefs in The Book of Discipline, we share the following basic affirmations in common with all Christian communities:
We describe God in three persons. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are commonly used to refer to the threefold nature of God. Sometimes we use other terms, such as Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer.
We believe in one God, who created the world and all that is in it.
We believe that God is sovereign; that is, God is the ruler of the universe.
We believe that God is loving. We can experience God's love and grace.
We believe that Jesus was human. He lived as a man and died when he was crucified.
We believe that Jesus is divine. He is the Son of God.
We believe that God raised Jesus from the dead and that the risen Christ lives today. “Christ” and “Messiah” mean the same thing: God's anointed.)
We believe that Jesus is our Savior. In Christ we receive abundant life and forgiveness of sins.
We believe that Jesus is our Lord and that we are called to pattern our lives after His.