Leadership Board
Dutilh’s Leadership Board typically meets at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of every other month.
Leadership Board meetings are open to the congregation. Any congregation member that would like to address the board can email their topic no later than one week prior to the meeting at leadershipboard@dutilhumc.org.
If you have any questions for the Leadership Board you can contact them by email at leadershipboard@dutilhumc.org. This email account is monitored regularly by the board secretary.
Qualifications of a Leadership Board Member
Members of the Leadership Board must be professing members of Dutilh Church. Members may not be relatives of current pastors or staff. Members may not be relatives of one another.
Members considered for election should demonstrate the following characteristics and qualifications:
Be an active, committed follower of Jesus Christ who loves God, loves others, and loves to serve.
Be fully committed to the mission and vision of Dutilh Church.
Be engaged in the life of the church through ministries of worship, spiritual growth, and service.
Be available to commit the physical and spiritual time, energy, and effort needed to care for the work of the Leadership Board.
Be spiritually gifted in leadership, wisdom, and discernment.