A Special Birthday
My grandma, Marian Dambach turned 97 on Groundhog’s Day and it was such an honor to be able to celebrate her birthday with the ones who love her the most. Marian is the mother of two, Ed and Pat, a grandmother of five, and great grandmother of twelve. We joined together to celebrate, causing chaos among the nursing home and brought the overall age down just a little. 😊
Growing up, my grandma moved in with us when I was only four years old. It was all I knew to have my parents and her as the adults in my life. It was as if we had three parents instead of just two which always meant more love. There was always someone home to take care of us if we stayed home sick. She was always baking something yummy. She’d help us with our homework and chores. And our laundry was washed, dried, folded and back in our rooms when we got home from school, she was a miracle worker with laundry!
The memories I have of growing up with her living with us will live with me forever. Most kids have an alarm clock to wake them up. I had grandma, who would come in and rub my back, essentially putting me back to sleep. She would calmly come back a few moments later and rub my back a little longer. Each time with me falling back to sleep. She always came back to wake me up so I wasn’t late.
She’d be sitting on the couch in the evening after dinner reading or doing a word search when one of us would grab a pillow and lay our head in her lap. She’d put her book away and start to scratch our back and hum a little “Johnny one note”. Then every so often we’d get a pat and a different hum, or she’d stop all together because she had dozed off. A little wiggle and she’d start back up with a little chuckle.
We used to tease her because of all the things she would say that didn’t make any sense. She’d tell us “Don’t put your shoes on the table, or you’ll be married before you’re able”. I still remember this and wouldn’t dare to put a pair of shoes on the table. She had many sayings; we kept a book with quirky little things she’d say.
When my parents moved to Chapel Valley Estate, grandma went too. She continued to help my mom by doing laundry, helping prepare meals for their guests, all while singing a little tune she made up in her head. She of course slowed down over the last ten years, but she kept shuffling along until a fall which ultimately led to her stay in a nursing home.
One thing I admire about my grandma is that with all the things she lived through, she never let it show. She was always smiling and happy. She lived through the Great Depression, World War II, the loss of a child, siblings, her husband and friends. In everything she did, I remember seeing God first in her life. Isaiah 41:10 says "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand". I believe that each day, my grandma woke up and knew God had her. She knew she could face all things with Him by her side. I’m forever grateful to have had the opportunity to have such an incredible woman I get to call Grandma.